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"Motivational Biology" Original Vinyl Prints with Handpainting

"Motivational Biology" Original Vinyl Prints with Handpainting


Inspired by my time as a cellular biologist and a lifetime of smart-assery, these prints are adorned with common motivational sentiments, reframed to align with niche biology knowledge. Perfect for adding a little color and humor in a research office, laboratory, student lounge, classroom... or a diehard nerd's personal space. Prints read:


"Accept Yourself" ~ Antibodies serve to promote immune system self-recognition, keeping host cells safe.


"Be All You Can Be" ~ Pluripotent stem cells wait for the signal to differentiate and fulfill their fate.


"Embrace Change" ~ It's the small changes in DNA that lead to evolution in the long run. 


"Coexist" ~ The vast internal populations of diverse bacterial strains keep your body running in harmony.


"Adapt and Overcome" ~ Viral strains adapt incredibly rapidly, continually forming new methods of attack; we adapt along with them. 


"Stay Connected" ~ Cultured cancer calls love to keep in contact with their neighbors, extending long tendrils to maintain communication between one another. 


Each print is a 100% original design, printed in shiny black vinyl and adhered to layers of topical text book pages. Print is then handpainted with a chalkpaint pallet with a bright and cheerful pallet. 


Each print: 8 x 10 

With frame: 10 x 12


See something you like, in the wrong size or color? Looking for a brand new creation along these lines? Shoot me at

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